Tim Bogert - Master´s Brew - 1983
Segundo álbum solo do ex-baxista do Vanilla Fudge, Cactus e do power trio Beck, Bogert & Appice.
1. Let him know
2. Devotion
3. Don`t leave me this way
4. Slow dancing
5. Trouble
Tim Bogert - Bass, Vocals
Rick Derringer, A. Havlenen - Guitar
Brian Auger - Organ
Carmine Appice - Drums
David Platshon - Piano, Drums
Mark Stein, Dick St Nicklaus - Vocals (Background)
Jay Williams - Guitar
Paul Kingery - Guitar, Vocals (Background)
Peter Schless - Synthesizer, Keyboards
+ @192 - mp3
Hi ! unfortunatly I can't understand the download link, what language is?
ResponderExcluircan you give olease some directions ?
Thanks !
Best greets
ResponderExcluirIn Brazil we talk portuguese.
The link you will find it on signal "+" in "+ @192....."
thanks for the advise but this was not the problem, the problem was after I did click on "+@192" on the following page, where the download action suppose to be, is on a really strange language, not portuguese, it look like russien or something similar and the caracters are unfortunatly understandable to me..
ResponderExcluirI just wonder if this happen only to me since Im station in Europe..
Have a nice Weeekend !
best greets from Germany to Brazil !
ResponderExcluirOnly now i understood!
After 45 or 50 downs, the link is dead (?)
No problem. New link on the air
This is GREAT !!!
ResponderExcluirThanks a lot !
Have a nice rockin' Sunday !