David Cross & Robert Fripp - Starless Starlight - 2015
The story of ‘Starless Starlight’ is that of a short melody composed by David Cross and Robert Fripp that emerged as one of the key themes of the King Crimson song ‘Starless’ (1974). The tune resurfaced in two improvisations performed and recorded by Fripp at Blueberry Hill, St Louis in 2006. These recordings and the theme itself were then transformed by David Cross (and co-producer Tony Lowe) into the album ‘Starless Starlight’.
David Cross - Violin
Robert Fripp - Soundscapes
01. Starless Starlight Loops
02. In the Shadow
03. Shine And Fall
04. Starless Theme
05. One By One, the Stars Were Going Out
06. Fear of Starlight
07. Starlight Trio
08. Sure of the Dark
the trip.