sexta-feira, 22 de abril de 2011

Sassafras - Sassafras Live

Sassafras - Sassafras Live - 1978

Sassafras were first formed in 1970 as a three-piece band with guitarist Ralph Evans, bassist Ricky John Holt and drummer Rob Reynolds. Guitarist David (Dai) Shell, who was working in a residency in Titos nightclub in Cardiff was the first musician they drafted in to enlarge the band.

Ralph "We all thought that Dai was a wonderful guitarist so we asked him to join us...."
Dai "So it wasn't my looks then?"
Ralph "It was probably because you had a mini-van at the time and we wanted to use it.

Sassafras found themselves an agency in Hereford and the band were finally on the road. In 1971 Dai Shell set up Ddraig (Dragon) Studios in Severn Road, Cardiff with the help of musician Peter (Jake) Jacobs and Carl Leighton-Pope. Steve (Pudding) Jones joined them at Ddraig as did John Kelly who later went on to produce Kate Bush, Chris Rea and Paul McCartney to name a few.

Dai "Draig means 'dragon' in Welsh, but we spelt it with two 'd's because we were a bit thick! That was when Jake came in and part financed the studios. Well, he didn't really part finance it - he stole most of the bricks and some matresses for the walls, so he was in."

Feeling the need to expand once again, vocalist Terry Bennett from Nottingham was invited down to Ddraig to record some songs, instead he found himself being auditioned, his distinctive voice was exactly what Sassafras were looking for.   READ MORE HERE

01. Riding High
02. Busted Country Blues
03. School Days

04. Moonshine
05. Expecting Company
06. Ohio
07. Electric Chair

Esse encontrei não faz muito tempo no


3 comentários :

  1. È verdade.
    Até tinha reparado nos outros blogs, mas como esse negócio é meio louco com relação a foto, pensei que era algum outro bug.
    Valeu o toque. Mas on link ta funcionando! Vai tranquilo que é coisa boa.

  2. Esse faltava na minha coleção Only, muito obrigado pelo post meu camarada!


  3. Esse não é de minha lavra, como menciono no post, Dagon
    Contudo sou eu quem agradeço a sua visita.
