sábado, 27 de julho de 2013

Simon Townshend - Looking Out Looking In

Simon Townshend - Looking Out Looking In - 2012

from JazzWeekly

It’s harder to be older school in rock and roll than having a brother that’s a founding member of the Who, and a dad who was a musician in the Big Band era, but that’s what you get here with guitarist/vocalist/composer Simon Townshend. He’s got a tight little band here with his son Ben on drums and Tony Lowe on bass and piano. The songs have an energetic crispness to them, such as “Forever and a Day,” while “Electric Friend” sounds like an out take from Who’s Next. A couple nice acoustic pieces include Townshend’s touch on the mandolin to add a dash of flavor (as on “She Asked Me”) while “Still Love” includes some celestial strings as a perfect complement to the leader’s earthy and earnest vocals. Blows away all the navel gazing material put out by introspective indie rockers.

Read more about HERE and HERE

01. Forever And A Day
02. Stay
03. Looking Out Looking In
04. She Asked Me
05. Something New
06. There’s A Girl
07. Electric Friend
08. Bed Of Roses
09. Still Love
10. Making Waves
11. Make It

NB: Pra quem tá a fim de ouvir um disco sem frescuras, despretensioso e sem intenção de estar entre os melhores do ano, vale muito - muito mesmo - o download.


5 comentários :

  1. Great blog and this a great post - but track 1 is missing...


  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.


  3. I wonder if the tracks were OK there would be a comment
    Anyway, thanks for the warning ;)


  4. I wonder if the tracks were OK there would be a comment
    Anyway, thanks for the warning ;)
