quarta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2013

Verden Allen's Soft Ground - Love You & Leave You

Verden Allen's Soft Ground - Love You & Leave You - 2013

from uponmusic.com
Verden Allen, the founding member of once so popular rock band Mott The Hoople is back in the studio now to record a new album with a full band sound, Love You & Leave You, which was released on February 11 through the Angel Air Records. Actually, the record consists not of the new material, but of Allen’s re-worked tracks, recorded together with his band Soft Ground.

The newly released album still contains Allen’s organ, but unlike his solo album tracks with that somewhat rougher and more “basic” sound, Love You & Leave You sounds a bit fleshed out and a little more textured. But of course, both versions are simply excellent, in its own way each. The driving force of the album is the riff work of Jamie Thyer and of course Allen’s Hammond organ. They are just like yin and yang. The spine of the quartet is Rob Hankins’ bass with Matt Blakout from Tigertailz on drums.

The opening track Love You & Leave You introduces rather tragicomic lyrics about the lost lover and as a result, the lost liver. Well, Verden Allen has always been a master-wordsmith. But the musical arrangement of the track doesn’t fire up at once, but only leads you into the flavour of the whole album.

The next track, On the Rebound, includes Allen’s organ skills in full, exuding some kind of baroque cool, making the song very catchy.

A rock ballad, Find Yourself, represents Allen’s typical nasal voice in the foreground, accompanied by the dominant guitar riffs.

Read More HERE

01. Love You And Leave You
02. On The Rebound
03. Find Yourself
04. Knocking On Those Old Back Doors
05. Wine Ridden Talks
06. Hold On to This
07. Soft Ground
08. Son Of The Wise Ones
09. Do You Want Me 2?
10. Long Time No See
11. Two Miles From Heaven
12. Fine Time to Love
13. A New Way


Aviso aos incautos: O arquivo tem senha e não me pergunte qual antes de tentar onlygoodsong

2 comentários :

  1. Assim?
    Aqui sempre funciona, mas sei que o que funciona num computador, não rodaa noutro.
    Valeu pela dica e agora vc não tem desculpa pra baixar (rs)

  2. aki não sai disco ruim, rapaz. Menos aqueles que os amigos enviam o link ;)
